The MSU World Class Teaching Program is a university-based initiative designed to recruit and mentor teachers seeking advanced certification through the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) process.
What does MSU's WCTP Look Like?
- Candidate Support from Start to Finish
- Core Propositions and Standards Studies
- Component preparation sessions
- Certificate Area Candidate Support Cohort meetings
Benefits of Being a National Board Certified Teacher in Mississippi:
- You will receive a reimbursement of the process fee ($1,900) if you complete the process. You do not have to certify.
- Mississippi offers a $6,000 bonus if you certify.
- Your MS license will be recertified for five years if you complete the process. You do not have to certify.
- Your monthly retirement benefits will increase. (Some teachers have reported as much as a $400 a month increase in their retirement pay.)
- Professional growth and learning. Plus, a sense of accomplishment for completing this rigorous process.
Benefits of going through the World Class Teaching Program (WCTP):
- Currently, the passage rate for National Board Candidates who have participated in the MSU World Class Teaching Program is approximately 90%. Some candidates took one year, some took two years, and some took the full three years.
- MSU's WCTP is 14th in the nation for producing National Board Certified Teachers.